2024 Grant Application: Completion of a Village Center in Taftsville - Public Restroom Construction
Grant Overview
Please enter a brief descriptive name for this grant*
Completion of a Village Center in Taftsville - Public Restroom Construction
Briefly describe the purpose of the grant
This project will complete the creation of a new Village Center for the village of Taftsville by helping to fund a portion of a publicly-accessible restroom.
The Country Store in Taftsville is THE downtown area for Taftsville - there are no other commercial areas or gathering places. It's the equivalent - both from a community perspective and from a traffic perspective - of Elm and Main Streets in downtown Woodstock. In addition to the store there are 27 parking spaces and 4 EV charging stations (installed soon), and both are available to the public 24/7 without the need to enter the store.
As the single gathering place for Taftsville there is naturally demand to hold events at the Country Store (we have already had several requests to do so), and with the addition of a public restroom we are set up to host these events for the community. In addition to a hoped-for restaurant tenant, we are licensed to allow outdoor cooking (e.g. barbecues) and food trucks on site. We also envision providing overflow food options during peak periods in downtown Woodstock (e.g. two food trucks and picnic tables during several weeks during foliage season). We can only provide support for these events if we provide a public restroom facility.
The facility will be available to the public during all hours the building / Taftsville community is operating any on-site event, inside or outside, regardless of a sitting tenant for the restaurant space.
The EDC is naturally focused on the downtown Woodstock area for many of its initiatives. We have an opportunity to create an additional Village Center within the confines of the Town of Woodstock, and that is consistent not only with alleviating crowding in the downtown area but also with the principle of serving all Woodstock residents.
What is the total budget for the project for which you are requesting EDC support?
How much funding are you requesting from the EDC?
Applicant and Organization Information
Name of Applicant / Organization / Business
Charlie Major Enterprises
Mailing address
2 High St, Woodstock VT 05091
Name of Project coordinator
Todd Ulman
Coordinator's email address
Coordinator's telephone number
Organization's website
Organization's EIN
If you are applying on behalf of an organization, describe the organization and its mission (if you are applying as an individual enter "None")
Charlie Major Enterprises wishes to expand housing and restaurant/retail opportunities in the Village Designated area of Taftsville Vermont, of which a historic hamlet resides, in which the only property is the Taftsville Country Store structure. We are also committed to enhancing the safety and convenience of the area, which we have demonstrated by the parking lot designation as a place for locals to park their cars for free while they wait for the school bus, etc. as well as paid parking for visitors to the Taftsville Covered Bridge, bike trails, etc. We are actively working with Green Mountain Power to add public charging service to the area that will enable four 19.2kW public stations. The design and contractor have already been approved, so it is just a few signatures away from reality.
If you are applying on behalf of an organization, what is your annual organizational budget (if you are applying as an individual enter "None")?
Project Description
Please provide a detailed description of the project
Widen existing entryway from newly constructed parking lot into the ground floor of the structure, allowing full ADA compliance. Add a second bathroom that is immediately accessable from new ADA entry and is fully ADA compliant. These two requirements then allow us, under our permitted use, to host or allow others to host a variety of events on the property, inside or outside, under our permitted use, which is General Store and Restaurant/Retail. The ability to host food of any sort, inside or outside, requires the ADA compliant restroom and ADA compliant access to that restroom. This is the exact scope and desired outcome of this grant request, and if granted the restroom facilities will be open at all operating times to the public.
What is the timeline for the project (e.g. when will it be ready to start, when will it be completed,
are there important milestones along the way?
We are prepared to start in mid-2024 and complete by Q4 of 2024.
What will success look like?
Success is simple: Transform an aging delapitated property into a thriving community hub for Taftsville, re-engaging the idea of Hamlet lifestyle that the Country Store had a hundred years ago where family and friends can gather to catch up, chat, hold gatherings etc. By enabling the ADA compliance, in conjunction. with the recently aquired Village Center Designation, we will be able to take a firm step on community engagement and collaboration, with or without a curent operating store.
Project Budget
Please provide a link to a spreadsheet that shows the project's budget, using the format as indicated
in this example
Please confirm that no in-kind expenses are included in the budget spreadsheet
If there are any explanations you would like to provide to help us better understand the project budget spreadsheet
please enter them here
This is an extraction from the total phase 1 budget (Site Work + ADA), which has been completed minus the ADA ramp entrance and ADA bathroom. This extraction was provided to us on Nov 21, 2023 from Trumbull-Nelson Construction, who was contracted to do all detailed bidding for the Taftsville Country Store property.
Community Support
Is there a "project champion" who strongly supports the project?
There is well documented support from the community, but it has been a long journey and there are some folks who wish the store only operated as it did 100 years ago. This will not happen, and we have received all of our approvals and permits, and I think that now that they see the new site work they understand we are here to better our community, and we have heard nothing but praise from the neighbors since site work completion. Additionally, publicly accessable bathrooms benefit not just visitors, but everyone that may have an urgent need to use the facilities.
Describe the level of community support for this project
Questions and ResponsesQuestion: Todd, Is there more than one tenant in the building - e.g. a store and a restaurant - or is there just one potential tenant? Prior to when you have a tenant, do you expect the restroom to be available at any times other than when there is an event being hosted (e.g. will anyone be in the store besides the future tenant)?
Once you have the tenant, what do you expect the hours of availability to be, roughly speaking? (submitted by Jon Spector)
- Todd, Is there more than one tenant in the building - e.g. a store and a restaurant - or is there just one potential tenant?
The building is comprised of four essential spaces. Two of which are apartments, and two of which are spaces designed to be leased commercially. We only have one vacant space, the ground floor commercial space in the front of the property facing route 4. The USPS occupies the other commercial space on a long term lease, and various tenants occupy the apartments.
The vacant space is special to the property, and whatever concept is achieved will be agreed to be part general store, and part INSERT SOMETHING HERE BUT WE HOPE IT IS A DINING ESTABLISHMENT. The ADA entrance will be the only entrance into said space, and it will sort of be like Eataly where you enter through a grocery type concept and can then enter an eatery.
- Prior to when you have a tenant, do you expect the restroom to be available at any times other than when there is an event being hosted (e.g. will anyone be in the store besides the future tenant)?
Due to the nature of a public bathroom, i.e. it has to be opened and serviced daily, we do not anticipate it being open except when community events or any event for that matter is held on property. We have leased hundreds of thousands of feet of commercial real estate in our endeavors, and market forces do not have us anticipating that it will take an exceedingly long time to find a good fit for this space. That good fit must include the public bathroom article, just like it will for the Fast Charging stations we will put in the parking lot come spring.
- Once you have the tenant, what do you expect the hours of availability to be, roughly speaking?
We are looking for a 7 day a week tenant that will service the community from dusk until dawn. That said, we should expect a roughly 10 hour daily service, 5-7 days a week depending on the T&Cs we set.
Question: Todd, is there any time limit on the availability of the public restroom - meaning that after X years you might decide to make it private again? What about when you sell the building - will the next owner be bound by the terms of this grant? If yes, great; if not, would you be willing to commit a minimum time period when the public restroom would be available? (submitted by Jon Spector)
Response: - Todd, is there any time limit on the availability of the public restroom - meaning that after X years you might decide to make it private again? What about when you sell the building - will the next owner be bound by the terms of this grant? If yes, great; if not, would you be willing to commit a minimum time period when the public restroom would be available?
This is a great question. I am willing to put a minimum agreement in place as part of the grant, if it is awarded in a substantial amount as requested. As long as I own the building, I’m comfortable with the agreement of ad infinitum. However, for this amount it would be likely impossible to continue that way for potential future owners without hindering prospects.
Question: If you were awarded the grant how would you plan to recognize the contribution made by the EDC (so the community can better understand the types of investments we are making in economic and commmunity development)? (submitted by Jon Spector)
Response: - If you were awarded the grant how would you plan to recognize the contribution made by the EDC (so the community can better understand the types of investments we are making in economic and community development)?
We could label the restroom interior space with the EDC logo and have a graphic that states they were made possible with the generous donation of the community, for the enjoyment of locals and visitors alike…. Or something to that effect. I’m very big on making it clear that community is what drives the hamlet lifestyle that has been lost in Taftsville, and in some ways Woodstock in general once the Pharmacy went by the wayside. I’m up for any suggestions that let folks know we care about people inside and out of our town borders and are a welcoming community.
Question: (Question posed by Nancy Shawcross and sent to Jon Spector)
I own a condominium unit on the only property that physically abuts the Taftsville Country Store and post office property (with the possible exception of Hartwood Way). From the Woodstock listserv I learned about Todd Ulman's proposal for $50K to build an ADA-compliant restroom on his property and in his building.
As a professional grant writer for over forty years, I was struck by the lack of documentation for Todd's claim that the Taftsville community, which is truly small, has high enthusiasm for this project. I was never queried; I'm not sure any systematic survey was ever completed. I would like to see proof that enthusiasm is high.
As an abutter, I was never informed about food trucks in the parking lot. The Ulman's removed a maple tree that may or may not have been on their property (and had always been understood to be on the condominium's property). There is now no privacy between my free-standing unit and its small backyard and the so-called picnic area. Although some trees were planted, none extends to the east side rear of the Ulman property. I knew that I would have to live with cars coming and going but didn't realize that the space would become an outdoor restaurant: that's a lot of noise and disruption.
Most egregious to me in the proposal is the claim that parking is free for Taftsville and/or Woodstock residents. There is no method to identify resident versus non-resident vehicles. I never received notification that the parking lot was available to Taftsville and/or Woodstock residents, Parking on this property is problematic. Except for one handicap parking spot, there are NO spaces for post office customers, given that the postal clerk parks in the only space that doesn't have a sign warning that parking is reserved for tenants or a post office vehicle.
The Taftsville Country Store lot is private property, generating income for private individuals. Other than renting space to the USPS, it offers nothing to Taftsville residents, not even parking for the post office when staffed. If EDC monies are meant to support private businesses, then perhaps the project should be funded. If funding is being considered because it is an asset to Taftsville residents, I cannot discern nor have I been provided with any proof of that contention. (submitted by Jon Spector)
Response: Hello,
This person is providing factually inaccurate information. I’m unclear on many issues in this post, but if Nancy Shawcross lives near the Post Office, they would clearly see that there is dedicated post office parking, right in front of the post office entry, per the USPS lease, and it has signs (which are not required but we provided).
So, I’m not sure where to even go from here. We spent a lot of money resurfacing what was previously just dirt and rock parking for USPS and paved and striped that area as well as the parking lot in the rear and the beautification in the front, including granite curbing, etc. I think it’s beautiful, and we have received many, many compliments from neighborhood folks.
Here is a quote from the note Nanncy Shawcross’ note:
“Parking on this property is problematic. Except for one handicap parking spot, there are NO spaces for post office customers, given that the postal clerk parks in the only space that doesn't have a sign warning that parking is reserved for tenants or a post office vehicle. “
Here is a link to a picture of their dedicated parking (not a full shot but enough to get the point as I’m not on-site) area and signs.
In Taftsville, there exists a small amount of people were always against new permits of any kind , etc. and we have worked hard and gotten through all that, and have all our approvals, and that is well documented in town and the papers. Regardless of this grant, the store will once again open, the property will continue to grow from the dilapidated closed structure it was when we purchased it and will eventually be a jewel as the gateway to Woodstock, as it once was, as well as provide a meeting place for the locals to enjoy themselves and the offerings, encompassing the true definition of a Vermont Hamlet.
Question: (Posted by Jon Spector for Nancy Shawcross) In response to a question from Jon Spector, you wrote: “the parking lot designation as a place for locals to park their cars for free.” Please clarify that locals CANNOT park for free in the parking lot east of the store, where all the signage indicates that it is a pay-lot via ParkMobile. (submitted by Jon Spector)
Response: Hi, to clarify there is an MVSD school bus stop for the district at the store. Without sufficient designated parking for people, the bus stop would not be allowed and there is not an alternate on the route to accommodate the children as there are specific rules for a bus entering and exiting a stop.
Many folks park at the store main lot in the morning and in the afternoon when the bus is coming or going, etc. especially during bad weather, and we have not asked or enforced any of them to pay in the public lot. When we are around and see them, we let them know it’s ok for this purpose, etc. and that we explicitly are happy to have them there.
With the lost costing over $250,000 we are happy to have the park mobile system to try and recoup costs, and to date have had only a few VT license plates pay to park, but many from CT/NY/MA etc have while presumably taking a walk to the lovely Taftsville Bridge.
The economics are great superb this. To date we have received $85 since September, a total of 28 transactions. Many, many more people have parked in the lot, for free, authorized or not, and enjoyed it be it for the bus or overflow for events where we have been asked and approved parking for folks if they need it.
At the rate of return above, we can expect to break even in about 49 years if my math is correct. The parking lot is beautiful and being enjoyed now, plowed now, maintained now for the community and bus kids. Otherwise, why would I plow it or maintain it with no storefront open during winter as an example? It is a public lot, where I hope people pay, but am not enforcing it on locals who respect us and our community space.
Question: (Posted on behalf of Charlie English)
I urge you and the board to reject the request for building a Public Restroom in the village of Taftsville. It would not be for the betterment of the Village of Taftsville or the Town Of Woodstock.
So far all these people have accomplished is to destroy an established lawn, pave it as a parking lot and charge or parking. (Might they also charge for use of the bathroom facilities?)
With so many pressing and worthwhile projects facing or town this should be rejected in total. (submitted by Jon Spector)
Response: As I’ve noted in my application, we will not be charging for the use of the bathroom facilities.
Question: (Jon Spector is posting this question on behalf of Mary Young. At the end of the questions I will answer question 5, since it is appropriate for me to address it)
Thank you for your transparency and for keeping the community up-to-date on EDC meetings, news, grants and applications.
I have received several comments and questions from Taftsville neighbors regarding the application for $50,000 to support an ADA public bathroom at the Taftsville store. I reviewed the application and am sharing my questions.
The EDC community grant site states that applications do not need to align with the 5 main initiatives of the EDC (affordable housing, childcare, marketing of Woodstock, downtown beautification and community events). Rather, “Private businesses may apply for Community Grants, but the EDC will expect that the primary beneficiaries of the grant will be the broader community and not just the individual business owner. An example would be a private business that requests a grant to help renovate its bathrooms and allows both its customers and the public to use the bathrooms.”
I don't think that the community/residents of Taftsville need a public bathroom.
1. The application heading is about a Taftsville Village Center. Is this a physical space, or does this refer to the new state designation of the area, obtained by the store owners? ("Completion of a Village Center in Taftsville - Public Restroom Construction")
2. Was any information shared with the Taftsville community prior to the EDC notice this week in the Vt Standard? (Noting that the application states that community support is “HIGH”)
3. Are food trucks, picnic tables and other outside venues permitted? Was there discussion or notification of this? (Perhaps I missed it.)
4. The 27 car parking lot is a pay-to-park lot only. There are no free spaces; therefore, to use the bathroom, must I pay to park? What is the cost of parking?
5. Does the EDC have any guidelines or restrictions for EDC members who submit grant applications? (The EDC has granted funds for EDC members previously, and currently there are applications from EDC members.)
Thank you for your consideration of these questions.
(Addressing Question 5 above - We do accept grant applications from EDC members, although it is a rare occurence (it's happened twice out of 108 grants we've made since inception). EDC members obviously recuse themselves from voting, and 5 members of the EDC must vote in favor of funding for a grant to be approved, meaning that 5 of the remaining 7 members must vote to approve. We use the same criteria for assessing grants from EDC members as we do for all other grants. Good question, thanks for asking). (submitted by Jon Spector)
Let me try and get into Mary’s note on each point:
MARY: I don't think that the community/residents of Taftsville need a public bathroom.
TODD: That is your opinion, and thank you for sharing. Even with the store closed, I have probably let manyrandom people over the last year use the restroom on the 1st floor when they knock on the door and tell me they are in dire need. Lots of people visit the Taftsville Covered Bridge as an example, locals walking or mountain biking, and out of towners alike. It’s a popular spot.
MARY: The application heading is about a Taftsville Village Center. Is this a physical space, or does this refer to the new state designation of the area, obtained by the store owners? ("Completion of a Village Center in Taftsville - Public Restroom Construction")
TODD: It is a term that encompasses in my opinion an expansion of the ideas and ideals of the Hamlet, of which many in town that opposed any and all work on the store property spoke highly of in Taftsville, and of which the only entity in said Hamlet is my owned property. We hope to have the property be what it was in the heyday, a gathering place for all. So, short answer is, it’s just a concept and is the title of a grant application.
MARY: Was any information shared with the Taftsville community prior to the EDC notice this week in the Vt Standard? (Noting that the application states that community support is “HIGH”)
TODD: I don’t need to do a survey to know that many folks have stopped, locals and people driving by, to tell me how happy they are with the progress of the property. There was no requirement of a survey to answer this question on the application.
MARY: Are food trucks, picnic tables and other outside venues permitted? Was there discussion or notification of this? (Perhaps I missed it.)
TODD: Feel free to contact the State of VT, and the town P&Z and ask them any questions you like on our commercial property. It is all public and at your disposal.
MARY: The 27 car parking lot is a pay-to-park lot only. There are no free spaces; therefore, to use the bathroom, must I pay to park? What is the cost of parking?
TODD: The public parking lot has Park Mobile, you can lookup the rates anytime please follow the directions on the sign. Must you pay? We don’t enforce payment on short stints like that and especially for VT plate holders. Many locals including Taftsville folks park there for short stints all the time. If someone wants to pay, that is great, but I don’t think any locals have ever paid even when parked and the sign says to, so I consider that pretty free by default. If I didn’t want people to use it, like for the bus pickups and drop-offs, it wouldn’t be plowed and serviced at great cost in the winter to make a few dollars a week in parking for those that do pay.
Question: (Jon Spector is posting this question on behalf of Alan Frascoia)
Please see the following re the EDC grant proposal for the former Taftsville Store property, including questions for the applicant below.
I am concerned that the applicant has misrepresented community support and denies the presence of an existing local meeting space, generously provided by the local church congregation. In fact, the last time the community gathered there it was because of concerns regarding the applicant’s plans for the former store. Incidentally, at that time the applicant declined to meet with the community members to discuss our concerns.
Additionally, in contrast with the applicant’s statement, there is no provision for free parking for community members with school children. If there is, I, a parent, was not aware, and I would not park there without formal permission as fee-for-parking is very clearly indicated. I should say also that the applicant’s inability to recoup the cost of his investment through parking fees hardly constitutes “writing off” of the cost as that of a community good. Stating such when signage indicates otherwise is an example of the applicant’s bad faith.
One aspect of the project that some community members were concerned about previously was the application for designation of Taftsville as an historic village center without consultation of other residents and seemingly intended to access monies that would increase the value of the applicant’s investment. I submit that this current proposal mirrors that previous action in that the applicant is misrepresenting his economic interests as those of the community, which I believe is primarily comprised of individuals who are at best indifferent to the proposal and who are unlikely to benefit from development of a bathroom facility that it seems will be accessible only during events that are consistent with the property’s expected commercial use. To paraphrase another community member: There are better uses for the EDC’s grant money than further enriching those who cynically view our hamlet as an investment opportunity.
Therefore, the questions I would like asked of the applicant are these:
-Is this request truly reflective of the wants and needs of the community and/or increased economic vitality in terms of jobs for local community members or is it a matter of adding value to your own private property?
-What evidence is there of community support for the development? I see none referenced in the application and incidental comments I’ve heard from my neighbors suggest that it does not exist.
(submitted by Jon Spector)
An example of this post and the tone:
The community mtg was held on short notice on my birthday. I told them the moment they asked, days earlier, that I could not make that and they had it anyway on that date.
It is recorded with audio and if Alan would like that recording made public we are happy to do so, but it doesn't paint a great picture and the pastor apologized to my family and stated he would have never allowed such a gathering if he understood the tone of that event and its true purpose (summarily speaking).
I am not going to dignify further to those few in the community and get into a tit for tat on our few neighbors that are against our efforts of bringing the boarded up property back to life in a beautfuil and meaningful way.
Here is the email chain on that, in full, no redactions:
Mary Young
Sat, Mar 12, 2022, 3:21 PM
to Angela, me, Darlyne
Hi Todd and Angela,
Thank you for communicating with me about the plans for the store, Clearly, you have been working hard to make reopening the store a reality.
Many residents of Taftsville have questions and have not received much information. Thus, several people have requested a meeting to further discuss your plans for the store.
We have scheduled a meeting at the Taftsville Chapel on Thursday, March 17th at 6 PM. We are hoping that you will join us to share the plans and progress thus far.
Please let us know if you are able to attend the meeting.
Mary and Darlyne
Todd Ulman
Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 10:18 AM
to Mary, Darlyne, Angela
Hi, Mary and Darlyne!
There is no new news to report, except perhaps that you schedule a mtg without our input on The Feast Day of Saint Patrick, which also happens to be my birthday, and also at a time when I am still typically at work!
Folks can continue to reach out to us directly, and we will do our best to answer any questions that they cannot find themselves from the public hearing, etc. and once it is safer and have anything new to share we will happily host a community gathering, perhaps a picnic or BBQ, outside where everyone can be more comfortable after two + years of social distance and anxiety.
Do pay attention to the paper... they post everything! ... and local reporter Carolyn Leibly also is always in the know for "all things Taftsville" as she loves to say! We just love reading her column!
As always, we're here up the street, or at Town Hall doing our volunteer work!
Mary Young
Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 10:28 AM
to me
Thanks for responding Todd
I’m sorry we did not know of your birthday on that date—
Can you suggest another time/date please?
Mary Young-Breuleux
Mary Young
Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 3:42 PM
to Angela, Bruce, me
Thanks again Todd for your response. Please suggest another date/time to meet in the next week. We can reschedule the meeting place and date/time if you and Angela can join us.
Many thanks!
Todd Ulman
Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 4:16 PM
to Mary, Angela, Bruce
Did you read my email?
Mary Young
Mar 13, 2022, 4:46 PM
to me, Angela, Bruce
Yes I read your email. However, people in the community do not feel well informed and do want to meet to discuss the plans for the store. We support your plans, and of course want the store to open; talking about it with you and Angela is requested, as a community. I appreciate your offer of contacting you individually, and that will be shared with all as well.
This is a community that has always met to discuss ideas, share concerns, and become better informed. There are many examples of meetings, such as discussions about the possible closure or reduction in hours of the Post Office, each time the store has transferred ownership, the Taftsville Trails initiation and ongoing annual meetings, and the proposed Solar Farm above the Taftsville Cemetery. Other examples of community gatherings include our annual holiday party (postponed the past 2 years due to Covid), our infamous Spring Green-Up day, assisting in the Covered Bridges Half-Marathon annually as helpers, serving dinners annually at the Naked Table Project, and many more. This is a concerned, active and dedicated community.
You have stated that you do not have news to report, but your progress on the store is important to all of us, and we lack information. We have spoken with the Town Manager, Town Planner, and members of the Town Development Review Board, to seek more information. They have been helpful, and encourage us to meet together with you and Angela. We think that meeting with you is important. We are accustomed to open dialogue on matters that affect our Hamlet, and we have found that with knowledge and understanding, changes are more readily accepted.
Thank you Todd and Angela. Are you interested in suggesting another meeting date/time?
Mary and Darlyne
Question: (Posted by Jon Spector on behalf of Bruce Franzen) Dear Jonathan and EDC members,
I've lived in Woodstock since 1986 and resided in Taftsville since 1991. The Taftsville Store/Post Office has always been a "village center" until its closing in 2019. The Post Office continues to maintain that distinction (when open). Every resident of our hamlet misses the activity that the store provided especially under the ownership of Liza and Charlie Wilson. We're all disappointed that a reopening is not in the foreseeable future.
In the winter of 2022, I became aware that town meetings had been conducted to discuss the future of the store. I missed the meetings. That's on me for not paying closer attention to town/hamlet issues. I soon discovered I was not the only one.
There was plenty of talk about the store's future, but mostly rumors and few hard facts. A meeting was organized in March, 2022 for Taftsville residents to meet with new store ownership for the opportunity to ask questions, make suggestions and voice concerns. The invitation was rejected with the following explanation and I'm paraphrasing: We are the investors of the store. Opportunity to discuss the store was provided during the town meeting. We are not interested in your feedback. As property owners, we will do as we see fit. Right or wrong, that's the message I left the meeting with. Other Taftsville residents left with the same feeling.
The attitude that ownership will do what they want is evident with the changes that have occurred including a 27 space paved parking lot with electronic paid parking. Not very welcoming to visitors of Taftsville, the covered bridge and Woodstock. I believed the lot was to be paved with a porous surface to prevent water runoff into the Ottaquechee River. That didn't happen.
If this grant is approved, my fear is that even with all the guidelines that should be followed. ownership's attitude will be...We are the investors and we'll do what we want.
Like everyone else in Taftsville, I look forward to the reopening of the store and will be an active supporter...but not under the current ownership.
Thanks for your hard work and consideration,
(submitted by Jon Spector)
Response: Todd Ulman has not yet responded
Question: (Posted by Jon Spector on behalf of Nancy Shawcross, in two separate emails)
Would you please post to the EDC website under Todd Ulman’s grant proposal that the cost to park in his lot $3.45 per hour PLUS taxes and fees.
Todd Ulman writes in his grant proposal that “there is well documented support from the community.” Where is the documentation, and is the community Taftsville or the whole of Woodstock?
(submitted by Jon Spector)
Response: Todd Ulman has not yet responded